Design Process

Design Process

We plan on 3D printing our brace in the same format/style a normal brace is made, just this brace will be made out of different materials making the brace cheaper and more affordable for patients. We want to make the design as simple as possible. We have two circles around the outside of the knee as support with a wall on each side of the leg. We intend to have two straps, one at the top, and one at the bottom. The circles on the brace that are up against the knee on either side are the spots where the heating element comes in. We plan to take apart a heating pad a reconstruct it into our brace. Our goal is that our brace can be plugged in to heat up, without having to be removed from the leg. We are designing the brace like this to make it easier on patients and hopefully so that they can speed up their recovery.

We have modified the design of our brace in order to make it able to bend. We have made the top and the bottom of the brace two separate parts with a hole on the side for a screw to make the brace able to bend.

We have made a few changes to our design such as new straps, and a new locking system. The straps are made to enable you to take the brace on and off, and the locking system includes a new separate piece to insert into holes to lock the brace in different positions.

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